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WAGERING COMPETITION 25th July - 5th August

From 25th July 00:00:00 - 5th August 23:59:59 some games are eligible for a wagering competition where top 5 wagerers will win big cash rewards!

Read more, play and compete yourself!

Compound Boxes description and game rules

What is Compound Boxes?

Compound boxes game is very a simple, yet fun, game of chance where you go through levels, choosing to either collect your reward or proceed to the next level to multiply your winnings.

In-game Compound Boxes screenshots

Compound Boxes

Compound Boxes game rules

  1. Select your bet.
  2. Choose to open one of the 4 boxes - 1 of the boxes will end your game and make you lose all your accumulated winnings, but 3 of the boxes will multiply your bet/winnings by 1.1x.
  3. After each level you can choose to either compound your winnings by trying to complete the next level, or collect your winnings. If you lose a level you will lose all of your winnings.
  4. Every 5th Level is a bonus level, which will multiply your winnings by 1.5x guaranteed.

Compound Boxes Tips & facts

  • The higher level target you set your target to collect your winnings, the higher payout percentage you will have (the lower the house edge) due to the guaranteed 1.5x multiplier bonus levels, when you get to them. If you have the budget and nerves to collect only on the last level - that is statistically the best strategy.

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